Base Compensation Increases/Lump Sum Payments Eligibility Policy

Decisions to increase employee base compensation and/or to authorize the payment of a lump sum are made periodically by the President’s Cabinet.

The implementation of these decisions will be made as soon as it is administratively feasible using the following criteria:

  • Regular status full- and part-time employees must have at least one year of full time service and a hire date at least one year prior to the effective date of the base compensation adjustment and/or lump sum payment.
  • Adjunct faculty and part time athletic coaches are not eligible for base compensation increases and/or lump sum payments.
  • Full-time faculty members on approved sabbatical leave are eligible for any base compensation increase and/ or lump sum payment made effective during the time period of sabbatical leave.
  • Regular status full time employees on an approved leave of absence will receive the increase to base compensation and/or lump sum payment upon return to active employment.

The university reserves the right to establish and administer other periodic enhancements to employee compensation and to establish additional eligibility criteria for such enhancements.

Effective: 03/2013

Reviewed: 09/2018