Commencement Toolkit

Celebrate Commencement in Style!

Our Commencement Toolkit includes GIFs, yard signs, social media covers, cake toppers and more for all your celebratory needs.

Stickers and GIFs

Check out the Wilkes University Giphy Channel for stickers and GIFs to use on social media!

Wilkes GIPHY Channel

Wilkes commencement GIF

Graduation Cap

Download and print a Wilkes mortar board design to decorate your graduation cap!

Instagram Story Templates

Download a template and bring your celebration to Instagram!

Yard Signs

Decorate your yard or windows for your commencement celebration.

Social Media Cover Photos

Celebrate on social media with Wilkes cover photos on your profile.

Cake Topper

Add some Wilkes flair to the top of your cake.

Party Banner

Download, print and cut out the letters you need to make the perfect celebratory banner.

Selfie Cutouts

Print and cut out some fun Wilkes-themed props for your celebratory selfies!

Wilkes Logos

Download official Wilkes University logos for commencement.