Associate Professor
EDD Education Doctorate
Breiseth Hall 2nd Floor
(570) 408-5535
Dr. Wasmanski is an assistant professor in the school of education’s doctoral department. She earned her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with concentration in Curriculum and Instruction from Wilkes University. She holds an MBA from Wilkes University and a bachelor of science degree in Psychology from Misericordia University. With over 15 years of professional training and teaching experience, Dr. Wasmanski has taught numerous courses within the fields of psychology, business & leadership, and education. Her primary research interests include motivation, engagement, and mindfulness as they relate to employee and student success.
Wasmanski, S.L. (2018, April 7). There is no “I” in Team. Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Wasmanski, S.L. (2018, April 7). Planning for Graduate School. Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Wasmanski, S. L. (March, 2019). The Power of Understanding and Collaboration within our School and Classrooms. Central and Eastern European Schools Association. Warsaw, Poland.
Wasmanski, S. L. (April, 2019). The Power of Partnerships Within Our School and Classrooms. Association of American Schools in South America. Santiago, Chile.
Wasmanski, S.L. & Cooper, L.A. (April, 2019). Multiple pathways to the same destination. P4CE Bridges Conference. Cape May, New Jersey
Wasmanski, S.L. (2019, August 14). Breakout of a comfort zone. Wilkes University Teaching with Technology Week. [webinar]
Wasmanski, S.L. (2019). Breakout of the Comfort Zone: Facilitating Successful Breakout Sessions. The Teaching Professor. (Accepted but not yet published).