Associate Professor
Sidhu School of Business
Simms Center on Main Room 222D
(570) 408-3235
Dr. Tessema graduated from University of San Diego in 2015 with a PhD in Leadership Studies. Having completed his study at a university that first started offering Ph.D in Leadership Studies, Dr. Tessema began teaching graduate courses at Shenandoah University with a rank of Visiting Assistant Professor. In Aug. 2017, he was appointed Assistant Professor at Wilkes University. Dr. Tessema teaches courses both in the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Dr. Tessema has published more than 16 peer reviewed articles. His research interest includes interdisciplinary topics such as leadership discourses, leadership education and workplace sensemaking behaviors of employees, culture, and social media and higher education leadership.
Journal Articles
- Tessema, K. A, & , Florivito, B. (2021). Subject position and manifestations of workplace followership. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 21(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/JOP.V21I3.4314 external website
- Xiao, G., Lee, H., Tessema, K. & Wang, S. (2021). The examination of cultural values and social media usages in China. Review of Marketing Science, 19(1), 101-120.https://doi.org/10.1515/roms-2020-0044 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2020). Using authentic leader dilemmas to teach micro-influence making. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(1). https://journalofleadershiped.org/jole_issues/2020-vol-19-issue-1/ external website
- Xiao, G., & Tessema, K. A. (2019). Values, materialism and life satisfaction: A study of cultural influence and gender differences in China. Journal of Business Diversity, 19(5). https://doi.org/10.33423/jbd.v19i5.2648 external website
- Tessema, K. (2019). Primacy of the leader, obscuration of followers: The discourse of leadership in the business media. Discourse, Context & Media, 29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2019.04.001 external website
- Getz, C., & Tessema, K. A. (2017). Educating graduate leadership students to become active participants in their discourse communities. Journal of Leadership Education. 16(1), 64-80. DOI:10.12806/V16/I1/R5 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2012). The rocky terrain between delocalized to localized and duplication to originality: Learning to write and learning to teach academic English. Educational Action Research, 20 (4), 515-533. https://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2012.727612 external website
- Melketo, T. B., & Tessema, K. A. (2012). Reluctance to write among students in the context of academic writing courses in an Ethiopian university. Asian EFL Journal, 14 (1), 45-60. https://www.asian-efl-journal.com/main-editions-new/reluctance-to-write-among-students-in-the-context-of-an-academic-writing-course-in-an-ethiopian-university/ external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2009). The unfolding trends and consequences of expanding higher education in Ethiopia: Massive universities, massive challenges. Higher Education Quarterly, 63(1), 29-45. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2273.2008.00408.x external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2008). An exploration for critical practicum pedagogy: dialogical relationships and reflections among a group of student teachers. Educational Action Research, 16 (3), 345-360. https://doi.org/10.1080/09650790802260299 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2007). Clinging to the managerial approach in implementing teacher education reform tasks. International Journal of Progressive Education, 3(3), https://ijpe.inased.org/makale/2587 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2007). The teacher education reform process in Ethiopia: The consequence on educators and its implications. Teaching Education, 18(1), 29-48. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210601151532 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2006). A critical inquiry-oriented teacher education pedagogy: An insider’s reflection on a teacher education project in Ethiopia. Journal of In-service Education, 32 (3), 387-405. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674580600842057 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2006). Contradictions, challenges, and dilemmas in Ethiopian teacher education. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 4(1). http://www.jceps.com/archives/516 external website
- Tessema, K. A. (2007). The threats of massification of higher education to educators: the case of Haramaya University. FSS Bulletin, 5(2), 33-41
- Tessema, K. A. (2005). Stimulating writing through project-based tasks. English Teaching Forum, 43 (4), 22-28.
Conference Proceedings
- Tessema, K. (9-13 August 2019 ). Discursive representation of "Leadership" in the business media, Academy of Management Proceeding, 79th Annual Meeting of AOM, Boston, Massachusetts. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.10839abstract external website
- Tessema, K. (21-26 October 2021). Reimagining the content of undergraduate Leadership Studies curriculum. 23rd Annual Global Conference of International Association of Leadership. Geneva, Switzerland.
- Tessema, K. (21-26 October 2021). Workplace followership: Adopting and adjusting to complex leadership. 23rd Annual Global Conference of International Association of Leadership. Geneva, Switzerland.
- Tessema, K. (04-09 November 2020). Understanding followership in workplaces: The Utility of sense-making approach. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Leadership Association (ILA), Virtual Conference.
- Tessema, K. (24 -27 October 2019). Discursive practices to impose a leadership meaning in the business media, International Leadership Association (ILA) in Ottawa, Canada.
- Tessema, K. & Michael Q. (24 -27 October 2019). Deconstructing and disrupting hegemonic leadership perspectives and practices in leadership education. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Leadership Association (ILA), Ottawa.
- Tessema, K. (9-13 August 2019 ). Discursive representation of "Leadership" in the business media, 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Tessema, K. (October 2018). Pedagogical sense making in leadership classrooms. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Leadership Association (ILA) West Palm Beach, FL, USA.
- Getz, C., & Tessema, K. A. (October 2014). The pedagogy of socializing students into their communities of practice. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Leadership Association (ILA) San Diego, California, USA.
- Tessema, K. A. (August 2012). Addressing student inequality through leadership in higher education. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Ethiopia.
- Tessema, K. A. (November 2010). Refashioned for local-relevance and originality: academic writing at an Ethiopian university. Paper presented at the annual conference of Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN), Cambridge, UK.
- Tessema, K. A. (May 2010). University-based teacher education in Ethiopia in this decade: A case study. Paper presented at the conference of Bahr Dar University Teacher Education, Bahr Dar, Ethiopia.
- Tessema, K. A. (November 2007). The emergence of action researchers out of linked experiences: Seized opportunities in impoverished contexts. Paper presented at the annual conference of Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN), Umea, Sweden.
- Tessema, K. A. (November 2008). Conducting action research in third world contexts: rigor and relevance. Paper presented at the annual conference of Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN), Liverpool, UK.
- Tessema, K. A. (April 2007). The threats of massification to educators: The case of Haramaya University. Paper presented at the National Conference on Higher Education, Addis Ababa,