Associate Professor/Chair
EDD Education Doctorate
Breiseth Hall 2nd/217
(570) 408-5512
Dr. Karim Medico holds a BS in Finance, MS in Mathematics & Secondary Education, and an EdD in Educational Leadership with specialization in curriculum and instruction. At Wilkes, Dr. Medico’s teaching focus is in the quantitative research sequence of the doctoral program. As a prior K-12 educator, Pennsylvania certifications include elementary and secondary mathematics and K-12 principal, with more than 20 years in K-20 classroom environments, both online and traditional. Dr. Medico prides herself in being both a practitioner and researcher with a contagious passion for effective teaching of mathematics and for inspiring leadership to support student learning in every math classroom. As an international consultant for the Office of Overseas Schools in Washington, D.C., she shares this passion for teaching and learning mathematics through targeted professional development workshops with K-12 classroom teachers and leaders worldwide. Schools and countries where she has worked around the world include:
- Russia
- Lativa
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Nigeria
- Guatemala
- Oman
- Bulgaria
- Kazakhstan
- Mexico
- Belgrade
- Austria
- Croatia
- Kaschak J. C. & Medico Letwinsky, K. (2015). Service learning and emergent communities of practice: A teacher education case study. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 88(5), 150-154.
- Letwinsky, K. M. (2016). Celebrating the success and promise of doctoral learning. The International Educator, 31(2), 45.
- Speziale, M., Speziale, K., Letwinsky, K.M., McCook, B. (2016). A comparison of student application of mathematical practices in traditional versus project- based classrooms. [Report for MIDA Learning Technologies, LLC] Published in: “Our research shows that when students work on projects, they learn more” www.eschoolnews.com external website
- Letwinsky, K.M., & Berry, M.D. (2017). Technology integration and the effect on mathematics fact fluency in the Middle East. Journal of International Education & Leadership (JIEL), 7(1), 1-14.
- Letwinsky, K.M. (2017). Examining the relationship between secondary mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy, attitudes, and use of technology to support communication and mathematics literacy. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 3(1), 56-66.
- Letwinsky, K. M. (2017). Connection, Creativity, and the Capacity to Lead -- Developing Future International Leaders Who Can Make a Difference. InterEd, 43(123), 35-36.
- Letwinsky, K. M (10 March, 2017). The global pursuit of educational reform. [Review of the book Finnish Lessons 2.0]. Teachers College Press. www.tcrecord.org/PrintContent.asp?ContentID=21864 external website
- Letwinsky, K.M. & Cavender, M. (2017). Beyond reflection: Using word clouds to support metacognitive processes in preservice teacher mathematics education. Journal of Practitioner Research. (in press)
- Letwinsky, K. M. (2017). Redefining leadership by beginning with the end in mind. The Pennsylvania Administrator, 21(3), p. 19-20
- Letwinsky, K.M. & Cavender, M. (2018). Shifting preservice teachers‟ beliefs and understandings to support pedagogical change in mathematics. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 4(1), 106-120. DOI:10.21890/ijres.382939
- Medico Letwinsky, K.
Quality Schools International/Seattle, Washington
Mathematics – From Curriculum to Classroom Practice & Putting it all Together - Medico Letwinsky, K., Wathall, J., & Tanton, J.
Hong Kong
Fabric of Mathematics Learning Institute - Medico Letwinsky, K.
Tri Association: The Association of American Schools of - Central America, Colombia, Caribbean, & Mexico/Dominican Republic
Teaching mathematics: Concepts, procedures, questions, and more. - Medico Letwinsky, K.
AAIE, New York, NY
Leadership Development – Self Development - Medico Letwinsky, K.
AISA STEM Learning Institute, Lagos, Nigeria
Excellence in Teaching Elementary Mathematics - Medico Letwinsky, K.
EARCOS Educators’ Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Preconference Math Workshop & Multiple Breakout Sessions - Medico Letwinsky, K & Cavender, M.
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, D.C.
Beyond Reflection: Using Wordclouds to Support Metacognitive Processes (paper presentation) - Medico Letwinksy, K. & Speziale, K.
Bridges, Cape May, NJ
The Math the World Needs & The Math We Teach – Bridging the Gap - Medico Letwinsky, K.
QSI Professional Development, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Mathematics Professional Development Regional Central Asia Conference - Medico Letwinksy, K. & Knight, B.
CEESA Educatots’ Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
Head Problems: Math that makes you think! - Medico Letwinsky, K. et al.
ISTE, San Antonio, Texas
Developing Mathematical Problem Solving Through STEM Project Based Learning (paper presentation) - Medico Letwinsky. K.
AAIE, Atlanta, Georgia
Planning Purposeful Mathematics PD & Sustaining the Change - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Berry, M. D
ECIS Leadership Conference, Rome, Italy
Professional Learning Communities: The Key to Systemic Change in Schools - Medico Letwinsky, K
CEESA Assessment Summit, Bucharest
3 Mathematics Breakout Sessions - Medico Letwinksy, K. & Speziale, K.
Bridges, Cape May, NJ
Achieving Mathematical Practice - Medico Letwinsky, K.
Wilkes University
Engaging Students with Remote Response Systems - Medico Letwinsky, K & Cavender, M.
Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA), Trumbull, CT
Shifting Preservice Teachers Beliefs and Understandings to Support the Common Core - Medico Letwinsky, K.
European Council for International Schools (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain
Effective and Responsive Teaching. (Preconference workshop, invited speaker) - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Berry, M. D.
Mediterranean Association for International Schools (MAIS), Barcelona, Spain
(Teachers + Leaders) * (Theory + Best Practice) = (Powerful Professional Growth)2 - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Berry, M. D
European Council for International Schools (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain
(Teachers + Leaders) * (Theory + Best Practice) = (Powerful Professional Growth)2 - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Burnside, D.
International Society for Exploring Teaching & Learning (ISETL), Denver, CO
21st Century Teaching & Learning – Get Smart! - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Kashack, J. C.
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA
The Emergence of Community Through Service Learning (paper presentation) - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Burnside, D.
Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE), Boston, MA
The Future of Learning: Smartphones in the Classroom - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Reilly, S.
Hawaiian International Conference in Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
Creating Personal Websites: From Preservice Teacher to Professional Portfolio - Medico Letwinsky, K. & Pesavento, S.
Hawaiian International Conference in Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
Math + Technology = Math Literacy – Preservice Teacher Anxiety - Medico Letwinsky, K. et al.
National Service Learning Convention, Minneapolis, MN
Earthforce “Bridging the Gap” Initiative, the Next Step - Medico Letwinsky, K.
Association for Leadership Educators (ALE), Poster Presentation, Denver, CO
Achieving Excellence in the Online Learning Environment.