Dance Instructor
Music Conservatory
Adrienne Zulkoski is a doctor of chiropractic and former student of Degnan Ballet Center. She was born and raised locally as she is a Dallas native. She studied many forms of dance at several local dance studios before discovering her passion for ballet and finding her "home " at DBC. She danced several summers at the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet Summer Intensive prior to moving to Carlisle, PA to dance there full time. She has an associate degree from Harrisburg Area Community College, an associate degree from Luzerne County Community College, a Bachelor's Degree from Misericordia University and a
Doctorate from New York Chiropractic College. She teaches Anatomy and Physiology at Luzerne County Community College on an as needed basis and currently works as a chiropractor in Kingston, PA. She is a wife and mother of two children and her and her family currently reside in Kingston.